It’s time for a content audit!


As the world edges back to normal, now is the perfect time to take stock of the content that can take you into a brighter future.

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We’ve all spent the past (many) months adapting and reacting to the new normal, but now is finally the time to get those future plans off the backburner.

However, before you press play on a shiny new marketing and content strategy, in our experience, a little time spent looking at your existing assets and in-house skills can help you quickly identify what’s working, what you should be doing less of and what’s stopping you from making good on your plans.

Looks like you better get started on a content audit. But what are the benefits?

◉ By understanding which pieces of content and which formats are performing (and those which are not), you will be equipped to make smarter decisions about the best use of your marketing spend. Make every penny count! 

◉ Evergreen content is the holy grail for content creators, get it right and it’s the gift that keeps on giving. An audit helps you to figure out what content could be repurposed and updated for future campaigns, helping to extend the life of your marketing budget.

◉ Help solidify your platforms into essential destinations for your audience by clearing content that is outdated and refreshing relevant content so you become a go-to source of information.

So what are the first steps? 

Simple but effective, why not take a look at your existing assets and content and make a list of your strengths and weaknesses? For example:

◉ Do you already have a war chest of logos, brand guidelines, a style guide and approved colours, or are they in need of a refresh?

◉ Do you have particularly knowledgeable or charismatic employees who are natural in front of a camera (a simple iPhone screen test will help answer this question), or do you need professional presenters / voiceovers to give your story a shine?

◉ Do you have existing video, animation, text or blog assets that can be used or repurposed, or do you need to start anew with a fresh suite of content?

◉ Do you have the in-house equipment, software and know-how to create content that will blow your audience’s mind, or would hiring a freelance expert to make things look and feel just right save you time and money in the long run?

◉ Are you the right person to get what’s in your head down on paper or do you need skilled journalists and producers to help extract the best out of your story, give your audience a reason to care and plan a roll-out strategy?

As a closing thought, it’s a fair bet you (and your people) know your business better than anyone else and a content audit can be a great opportunity to further invest team members in the success of your brand. You may also find that you have everything you need to get things done right or perhaps identify training opportunities that motivate and take your team to the next level.

If, however, you do spot a gap in your knowledge, experience, skills or requirements, get in touch with the Very Tall experts and let us help tell your story.

We love to talk, but we prefer to listen. Get in touch with the team at