The Student Room The Student Room

The Student Room

We helped The Student Room turn a potentially dry and complex subject into a concise and compelling story.

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The Student Room (TSR) is a huge online student community with more than 10 million monthly users. With such a following, they are uniquely situated to connect educators, employers and consumer brands to switched-on young people.

To support the launch of their pioneering programmatic solution Ada, Very Tall helped TSR identify their story and the best way of telling it. The result was a suite of bespoke content, including case studies and presentation material, positioning statements and optimised digital content. With this war chest, TSR were positioned to extend the life of their story and make their marketing spend go further.

We also created a simple animation that neatly wrapped the key takeaways for the audience, ultimately leading to conversations between TSR and a number of higher education providers keen to ensure the success of their next student recruitment campaigns.

Following on from this project, we were engaged to manage a major overhaul of their tone of voice and brand look and feel. Needless to say, we’ve formed a rather wonderful working relationship – as evidenced by the lovely words in the players above and below.

The Student Room
The Student Room
Very Tall are a natural extension to our team, helping us to create engaging client stories worth listening to
Cassie Gasson,
Marketing Manager,
The Student Room
The Student Room

We love to talk, but we prefer to listen. Get in touch with the team at or give us a call on 0208 1300092